Articles by tag: [ JavaScript ] web site on Angular 2

08 Oct 2016 Angular2 JavaScript Bootstrap

Personal website of Ukrainian orchestra conductor Vladimir Vrublevski

Angular 2.0: Manage videos (CRUD operations) (ExpressJS + MongoDB)

02 Oct 2016 Angular2 JavaScript MongoDB ExpressJS

I replaced ExpressJS server and MongoDB with angular-in-memory-web-api in my previous project.

Angular 2.0: Manage videos (CRUD operations) (angular-in-memory-web-api)

01 Oct 2016 Angular2 JavaScript

I created some backend for my previous project.

Angular 2.0: Simple YouTube player

28 Sep 2016 Angular2 JavaScript

Simple Angular 2 application for palying embeded video from YouTube.

Data Visualization of FIFA Development Projects

10 Mar 2015 visualization D3 jQuery JavaScript

This project is implementing of task from Data Visualization course in Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree. For this project, I’ve created a data visualization from a data set of FIFA developments projects that showcase how this worldwide organisation invest money in football development.